Saturday, August 30, 2008

You'll laugh, you'll cry

I saw this video a month or so ago and it struck me so deeply. I emailed it to people and verbally told as many people as possible that they NEEDED to watch this. I came across it again on someone else's blog this morning and realized that I, too, must archive it in a more permanent way. So here it is, again:

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

I love that someone had this idea and followed through with it in such a mind-blowing way. 42 countries in 14 months! The dancing is so dorky that I can't help but laugh every time! The music is perfect for this project- uplifting, sweeping, energizing, and perfectly synchronized to every moment being shown. My favorite part, hands down, is the scene from India- it's so majestic and colorful and the music at that particular moment just brings me to tears.

Every time I watch this video I pretty much laugh with pure happiness and cry with an overwhelming sense of hope for the world. This man was lucky to have brought joy to so many lives. It was only a brief moment of time for each of those clips and all the people involved, but stringing them together it creates a feeling so much bigger than just the sum of it's parts. Isn't that a wonderful summary of life?

This is definitely why life is good... I don't want to ever forget this.

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